~ OreoFlurry ~


~ Tuesday, May 23, 2006


Hari ni mmenaip lagi sambil menunggu kain di jemuran mesin basuh masak sepnuhnyer..camnerlah nak masok kalu baru jer basuh ah...hahaha..hor dok sedor dok..abih doh pon awok pretikel dengan jaye nyer dan pelbnagailah pengalwman awok dalam menjalani kehidupan sementara seoalah2 waktu bekerja di jabatan aut semenanjung tu kang..banyolah yang awok bu;ih kutip..macam2 awok rase..macam doh awok bulih tahu..skop macamaner..rupe dcanganer..hehehe...dang saye ucap banyok2 tahniahlah dengan kejayaan awok berjaya menamatkan latihan imdustri awok yang kali pertama di jabatan laut semenanjung malaysia di port klang selangor darul ehsam....hehehe...legelah awok kali reort doh abih dodh seme doh awbih doh belaker. hor..lening pon duk dumoh jer duks ajer2 maing ngan najwa..haaaa..hehehe..najwa guane gok.. rase nok lambng jer dia hor.. hehehehe...dok beh ah plok rasenyer awok abih doh pretikle ning bab dokleh nok ym ngan awok lagi macam seperti biase yang kite buat sebelum ning.senag jer,,dok banyok kerenaoh tapi sokmo2 pon bvaut sayer ngan awok pon boring gok.. hor..kalu dok memangjang ahh chating..mungkin sebab awok dok banyok kijer jadinyer awok sokmo yang bersungguh2..sayer plok ade kijer sokmo jadi macam dok terlayang plok awok.heehhehee..hor gitula citernyer.. hor saer paad malam ninmg plok macam takdok oodlha nok menaip sebab banyok kijer ka topih dok pon perut tengoh kenyang nagt ning,, hor,,tobak kenayng,,mkan kuey tiow ngan nasik elomok ayg tyadi...hor..hehehe...rsenyer macam nok buatlah satu design untuk malam ning...rasenyer pah sining doh ah dulu nok menaip malam ning pon rase badang pon makin getoh ning bab dok amndi lagi ning..nok tunggu kaing siap dulu..mende dok au karya pada malam ning.ade beh ke dok dok au ning.. hehehehe...hahahahaha...kite tgk kesudahanyer nanti...hehehehe..


count down to world cup = 18 days

posted by magsob at 9:37 PM

~ Friday, May 19, 2006


hoh...lame doh dok menaip sendiri ning plok pakak karang untuk web orang jer..maklumlah world cup dah nok dekat ning..rama lah orang suh wat berita sane..berite sini..ganah2.hahahaha...hor..baru jer tadi leaps karang untuk satu artikel pasukang kebangsaan negara asala saye.. argentina...viva la sorsa...hahahhaahhaha...(KOYA GILO APOO)haahhaaaha...susohlah sket dekat2 world cup ning..tadi pon buat pasal argentina...juan roman requelme jguok yang dijadikan bahan sebgai ceirta..siap saye higlight lagi tu..mengikkut kate jose emanuel senna dari brazil dia kate...roman requelme ni dia punya speed of game bulih jadi 20km/h jer..dan dengan tibe2 dal seklip mate ataupon dengan erti kate same dengan keljuan cahaya 2.99m/s bulih jadi ke 80km/h..dan seraya dengan itu akan menghasilkan kucar kacir pada benteng pertahana lawan..dia lebih kurang sama macam cara mainan ronalgigi tapi cara mainan ronalgigi dia menten jer bersamba...sampai kat gol pon dia bersamba lagi...kuat ngat makan sambal kut.. hahahahaha...hor..

berbalik balik pada kisoh kite meniti hari2...isnin selasa rabu khamis jumaat sabtu ahad isnin mula...hahahha..oloh..baru nok menaip lagi..line dok clear lagi plok...aik..bakper kaki rase gtal ngat ning hah???aduh...rezak plok rase....hahahha

posted by magsob at 11:38 AM


Argentina team guide
A one-stop guide to all you need to know about Argentina ahead of the 2006 World Cup.

Fixtures (Group C):
v Ivory Coast - 10 June, 2000 BST, Hamburg
Ivory Coast team guide
v Serbia & Montenegro - 16 June, 1400 BST, Gelsenkirchen
Serbia & Montenegro team guide
v Holland - 21 June, 2000 BST, Frankfurt
Holland team guide
How did they get to Germany: They were the first South American side to book their place, making sure with three rounds to spare. Finished second to Brazil on goal difference.

Qualifying star: There were plenty of changes, with new faces slowly replacing the 2002 generation. No-one featured in more than 13 matches, but classy midfielder Luis Gonzalez is a strong contender for the most consistent performer.

Manager: Jose Pekerman. Has a magnificent record developing young players, taking Argentina to victory in the World Youth Cups of 1995, 1997 and 2001. Can he do it at senior level?

Captain: Juan Pablo Sorin. He was Pekerman's skipper 10 years ago in the World Youth Cup but the decision has caused a reported split in the camp with some believing the armband should go back to defender Roberto Ayala.

World Cup pedigree: Twice champions (1978 and 1986) and twice runners-up (1930 and 1990). This is their 14th World Cup and they are one of the big guns of the global game.

World Cup high: Winning in Mexico in 1986, when Diego Maradona touched heights - and we're not talking about the 'Hand of God' - that few, if any, had reached before.

World Cup low: Sweden 1958 - when they returned to the competition for the first time since 1934. They were off the pace, losing 3-1 to West Germany and 6-1 to the Czechs.

World Cup legend: No contest. Love it or hate it, Diego Maradona's 1986 campaign is one of the individual high points in the history of the game.

Present star man: Elegant playmaker Juan Roman Riquelme, with his subtle, cunning passing has the ability to dictate the rhythm of a game. There are very high hopes, too, of Barcelona's teenage sensation Lionel Messi.

Strengths: No other side in the world can match their midfield inter-passing. They also have impressive strength in depth in most positions.

Weaknesses: An over-dependence on Riquelme, who can blow hot and cold. Pekerman has yet to find his ideal line-up or define his system, and he must be concerned by the lack of a top-class keeper.

Did you know: After his playing career Pekerman drifted out of the game for a while and worked as a taxi driver before finding his true direction.

World ranking: 8

Odds: 8/1

Local view: "We still don't know our best team, so a lot depends on the decisions that Pekerman will take. He has the raw material and some wonderful new talent. If he can find the blend, Argentina have every possibility of playing a major role." Manuel Epelbaum, La Nacion.

Our verdict: They have yet to get past the quarter-finals in the post-Maradona era, and it is hard to see them winning this time. Unless of course, Riquelme is consistently brilliant and Messi catches fire. Still likely to play some wonderfully attractive stuff.

posted by magsob at 11:27 AM

~ Wednesday, May 17, 2006


barca v arsenal

posted by magsob at 11:39 AM

~ Wednesday, May 03, 2006


ni lagi gambor juan roman requelme....sajer nok tunjuk...hehehehhe

posted by magsob at 2:49 PM


ni lah dia juan roman requeilme....

villareal / argentina

posted by magsob at 10:44 AM



hai..berjumpe lagi kite yer..setelah lame tidak mengupdate hari ning nsaye inginlah mengupdate blog yang telah kite uesehkan sama2 ini..diang dok diang deekat 2 tahung lebih doh blogspot yang kite buat ning ujud dang terus beroperasi seprti biase dang setia kepada pengunjung2 tetap penguna internet yang tersesat ke mane2 ke ape ke..ahaahaa...saya kat umoh ning macam yang biase saye buatlah...taip dulu kat umoih.pahtu esok barupos kat blog kite ning..hor....

maring dulu maxis jadi gile dengan berjaya memperdayakan kepada penguna setia hotlink untuk mengorbankang sedikit ballance yang kite ade sebnayok seringgit utk menjaminkan kepada kite perkhidmatan yang tidak memuaskan lasung pada satu masa itu hampeh cam #$%^..hahahah...hor,,,pad aminggu lepas jugok saya harp aawok janganlah jeles sangat kepada saya ning yang sudah pon mempunyai awek sorang lagi iaitu basikl sayalah.. mahal saya beli..sipang pitih jak kecek lagi lepas tgk cite national geograpic.haahha...hor.disini saya akan cuberberusehe untuk menyisipkan sedikit bingkisan hati dari saya kepada awok aitu basikal2 saya ning lah... awok tgklah rupe basikla saye yang dok seberapa aning...saya pon doh pusing2 KL doh 3 kali kut.. mula dari rumoh saye..pergi ke bukit setiawangsa turun ke keramat jelatek lalu jalan enggang terus ke AU 5 giant permata nung.. masuk wangsa maju...pahtu lalu jalan baru wangsa maju tembus ke seri rampai..lalau jalan setiawangsat tu tersu balik kerumoh...bereti kejak2 jer minum air.. hor...minum air boteol air takodk lagi ning. mane dok au hok lame dulu.. hork 100+ dulu ade se..mane duduk dok au..hor..dakperah.. beli ahh mula2 pon. hor..tadi buat doh pengejassan sket keatas basikal saye tu..adelah uboh dia punye tranformasi.. hahahha..tapi dakper..minor jer. hor...

hor...saye pah ke rining pauh hati nguh ahh ngen adioh awok bagitu.. beh jer rase..sapa ke ari ning lagi teringat mase mula2 buke adioh tu ah.. beh jer.. hor..dok seke plok bulih wallet se..ayg memang beh ah..owoh..pening plok pale nok mikir adioh mende dok au nok wi ke ayg kekgi ing.. puah doh pikir mende nok wi.. serb dok kene ah plok. hahahahahha..bereh ahh...mari2 ah tu kekgi idea nok wi mende...cume sapa mase ade ah tangan ke kaki ke dalam kete ke.. ath pokom ker.... hahahah...hor..eh

awok minggu depang nok baih doh prektikel ork..dok lame doh tu.. minggu depang je r..kerjak jer rase... pejang celek YM..phatu nok sapa doh amse nok undur diri... haahha.. ade dok jamuan tu..kalu opis sayer ningpatang ade org bereti kijer.. bdok prektikel abih ke. mesti ade KFC sekotok 2. hor... hahaha..hor minggu nign saye ade miang futsal anjuran ganusoccer.net di bnagi.. sek2 nyokong bolasepak teranung buat.. jadi saye maing hari sabtu ning ahh.. dalam kul 9.00 pagi stat doh.. guane kire dok au ning. malam tu ade main gfutsal doh..esok tu plok ade lagi.. tebeng gi ahh guane2 pon.. hoor...heehhehe....

ehh..oklah..kul 2 doh ning...tido ah plok awok tido doh ning.. bab tadi miskol dok nawang pon..tido doh ah tu..dakper2 awok tido ah molek2 yer.. muuacchhhsss...sayang ayg...babai...assalamualaikum...

-juan roman requelme-

posted by magsob at 10:15 AM